Wood Pellets For Sale - A Cost Effective Alternative to Fossil Fuels

Wood Pellets For Sale - A Cost Effective Alternative to Fossil Fuels

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Many people choose to use wood pellet stoves, inserts and furnaces as a cost effective alternative to fossil fuels. These efficient heating options also produce less harmful emissions, saving you money on your energy bill and helping to protect the environment at the same time. This renewable and carbon neutral fuel can be stored easily, making it a convenient option for your home heating needs.

Wood pellets for sale are made from recycled wood residues that are captured by the wood product manufacturing process. They are manufactured by compression of clean sawdust and other wood waste products that would otherwise be discarded as trash. This innovative way to reuse waste materials is a highly cost-effective and environmentally sustainable solution that is used in over 1 million homes across North America.

The main advantage of this home Wood pellets for sale heating fuel is its lower price compared to other fossil fuel options and electricity. It is important to note that the savings associated with using pellets are much more substantial over a longer period of time. Wood pellets are a more economical option than oil or propane and are also more affordable than natural gas. When comparing wood pellets to other biomass sources like corn or straw, they have an even more significant price difference, and can save you over 50% on your heating costs.

These renewable and carbon-neutral wood fuels are an excellent way to offset your household greenhouse gas emissions, while at the same time helping to support our local economy. Unlike fossil fuels, which are imported from foreign countries, wood pellets are produced from renewable and sustainable sources right here in the United States. They are manufactured with waste wood material, such as sawdust and other clean by-products of the lumber industry, that would otherwise be thrown away. These waste materials are then transformed into a high-quality and effective heating fuel with the help of advanced production technology.

Pellet manufacturers are able to make their wood pellets from both hardwood and softwood raw materials. This is because the lignin in the wood material is what binds them together into a dense and compacted form. Lignin is naturally occurring in wood and does not require any additives or chemicals to bind the material into pellets. These pellets are then used to replace fossil fuels, such as oil and propane, in residential and commercial stoves and furnaces, outdoor fireplaces, electric generators and more.

Heating with pellets can have a carbon footprint as low as one-tenth that of oil heat. This is especially true if the raw materials for wood pellet production come from sustainably managed forests that plant more trees to offset their CO2 outputs.

Energy Pellets of America offers premium wood pellets that are a great choice for your home or business and are easy to handle. They do not need to be seasoned or dried, and you can store them in your home year round. If you do decide to store them outside, they should be kept dry and off the ground. This will help them last and burn more efficiently over time.


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